Sunday, June 26, 2005

Thought-Provoking Fireworks

Last night we went to see our local area's fireworks display. My nearly three-year-old liked it, but kept her ears covered the whole time. My one-year-old really enjoyed herself. She would watch the fireworks stream into the air, stare and point at them as they exploded with a myriad of colors and shapes, then fall-over laughing. The whole thirty-minutes she did this, she only stopped laughing long enough to clap her hands enthousiastically and yell 'yeah'. It is a blessing to watch children as they are so full of wonder at the world around them. Somewhere along the road of life, wonder falls the wayside and jaded and cynical jump aboard. We can learn so much from Children.

When not marvelling at my daughter's reaction, I was moved by thoughts of our founding fathers. I was filled with a sense of wonder thinking of the risk our founder's took in signing the Decleration of Independence. Many thought they were signing their own death warrants. What nerve and unwavering sense of purpose in fulfilling a great task, to form a new country based on God-given freedoms. To stand up to the most powerful country in the world with nothing but hope and determination. To wage a war undermanned and underarmed for freedom. What incredible men our founding fathers were. As "God Bless America" played and red, white, and blue bombs burst in the air, I thanked God for the men willing to stand up to their oppressors and declare their Independence that I may have the freedoms that I have and that my children may grow up with hope and promise.

The other song that really moved me was "God Bless the U.S.A". I could not help but think of the men and women fighting in Iraq, away from home on what I consider the most important non-religious holiday. They risk their lives daily fighting for freedom for an oppressed people. I pray that in the end, the war in Iraq is justified. That democracy and freedom can blossom in the middle-east. That, ultimately, peace can be brought to an area of the world that has known little peace. Only time will tell whether we, as a country, and George W. Bush, as leader, made a wise move in liberating Iraq from a brutal dictator and trying to plant a seed of hope and freedom in the middle-east. I hope that future generations will look back on this generation and these soldiers as I look back on our founding fathers, the soldiers of the American Revolution, and the soldiers of World War II - with a profound respect for the risks they took and reverence for their courage in defending freedom.


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