Thursday, July 27, 2006


I was going to post a video from you tube here, but I did not like the way it looked. However, here is the link.

Edited 7/31 - thanks Zeb:

Aparently, the video was removed from tou tube. Let me try to explain it, and it won't be nearly as funny.

The video is captioned 'Cyber Sex'. Boy is sitting in front of his computer IMing a girl. They agree to have cyber sex. He is watching a video of her pulling her shirt up. He stands up to drop his drawers, when he is called down to dinner by his mother. Boy starts to eat dinner, scooping mashed potatoes onto his plate. His sister is sitting across from him. He looks over at her and realizes that is the shirt he was watching being removed from his cyber vixen. The look on his face is priceless. Very funny.


Blogger zebulonsmith said...

Removed because of "terms of use violation." Double-plus bad. Big brother's keeping us down again.

7/31/2006 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zeb's comment leads me to post my own.

I have personally interacted with bloggers that complain about not being able to post "whatever they want on their own damn blog." How does that work, precisely? Here's the breakdown:

Blogger signs up for some free blog space on some online service. Blogger agrees to a Terms of Use contract. Blogger breaks the contract. Blogger has content removed or account terminated. Blogger accuses the service of being run by a bunch of Internet Nazis that take away our freedom. Here's where things start to fall apart for me:

Blogger is using someone else's server and is not paying a dime for it. Blogger agreed to Terms of Use without even reading it (because it doesn't really mean anything) and then violated those terms. How is the blog "theirs?" If the blogger uses their own server, they can do what they like. If the blogger pays for server space and violates no rules or laws, then that is "their space." If the blogger signs up for some blog service that doesn't mind pornography or profanity, then they should have no problem.

What is wrong with these Yahoo 360 dimwits that want to post porn on their blogs and then bitch when they can't? Not just those dimwits, but all the rest, as well? How are their rights being violated?

Just wondering.

8/05/2006 5:11 PM  
Blogger zebulonsmith said...

On the other hand, chicken pie trees and monkey poop.

But yeah, you're right. I would't want boobies on my server either. Wait...

8/17/2006 8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zeb, you sexy beast, stop falling in love with me and get my dubious point.

I, of all people, am not an advocate of censorship on a public forum where any 11 year-old can cruise boobies and explicit acts of sex between consenting adults. I am questioning the morality and sanity of those who feel that they have the right to post whatever they want on a privately-owned server in a blogspace that is provided for free, but with clearly stated rules...rules that they have agreed to.

It strikes me as akin to getting a driver's license and then driving on the wrong side of the road. "The Man" pulls you over, you give "him" "the finger", "he" takes your license away...then you go on to bitch about it while driving on the wrong side of another road.


8/24/2006 7:40 AM  

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